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Alley Cat Allies

We are so excited to announce our new campaign! Funds from Teal Cat sales will be going to a fabulous organization in Bethesda Maryland, Alley Cat Allies.

You may recognize their name from National Feral Cat Day. This past October, they managed to bring together people in every state with activities that ranged from adoption, to low-cost spay and neuter to fundraisers to education and outreach. Feral Cat Day made a change in the lives of a whole lot of kitties.

But it isn’t just about one day out of the year — Alley Cat Allies works tirelessly to end the killing of healthy cats. They put out a ton of amazing literature, conduct TNR training and workshops, and even help to fight legal battles all in the name of cat power. The bottom line is that they are amazing and we love them and you should check out their website and see how you can become involved.

Please note that this campaign will last until we run out of teal cats. After that we will recharge our kitties, and start a new campaign for an organization in a whole new city. Thanks for your support, everyone!

With love,
Meowmy and our whole Teal Cat Team

Cat FAQ: Tips For While You’re Away

Hi everyone! “Cat FAQ” is a segment where the Teal Cat Community can answer all of your pressing catiquette questions. The first question is about my two cats, Bug & Banjo.

Dear Teal Cat,

I feel so guilty when I leave my cats alone when I go on vacation. Since my family lives on the opposite coast as me I travel throughout the year.  A nice neighbor will feed them twice a day and spend some time with them. I was wondering besides the usual (enough food/water/clean litter) what else could I do to help the cats be more comfortable?


Here are some ideas….

+ Leave things in the house as if you were returning later that evening. How do you have things when you’re home. ie, do you have the radio on all day, the lights, which lights on, toys, etc.?

+ Isa says… My answer would be that I put the cat beds on the couch where I usually sit, so that they can be fooled into thinking it’s a lap. Also, leave treats for your cat sitter to get them more excited about playing with the kitties.

+  Amber says… I actually put out more litter boxes and water bowls when I go out of town, because although I know someone is checking them twice a day, I get nervous about it. and I leave a light on in the kitchen, and actually separate some of my cats that pick on each other since im not home to monitor them. I dont want someone getting beat up while im away. And, since I rent, I leave a note on the door that says cats inside do not enter, because I dont want the maintenance people going in for something stupid and letting my cats out.

+ Have a bunch of friends help to make it easier for them. Email a list of days that you’ll be gone to a group of friends.  Each person can sign up for a shift. You can leave a key in a hiding place, so each person can come whenever to help.

+ Hide your luggage to put off the cats from getting angry (they figure it out, though).

So what do you do when you leave your furry ones?

Got a cat question? Send them to TealCatProject{at}gmail{dot}com or just leave it on the Teal Cat Project Facebook wall or Twitter!

An Etsy Round-up of Awesome Cat-Themed, Handmade Goods

I have something of a love/hate relationship with Etsy — well, to be more specific, I have a love relationship with the site, and my bank account is the hater.

One aspect of the love is that Etsy is a cat-enthusiast’s friend. You can find awesome items for your cat, awesome items featuring cats, and awesome items that look like cats. Here are a few of my current favourites. Read More

DIY Ideas For Spoiled Kitties

Our cats are spoiled, spoiled beasts- and we love ’em. Here are a few more ways to spoil them with these killer diy cat projects…

1. Vintage cabinet into the perfect Cat Hutch from Recaptured Charm  –   I want to make one of these to hide our cat boxes and even have something nice to add to the house with some storage. Find the full DIY here

2. Victorian Parlor Bed from a vintage suitcase-  Those fancy framed pictures kill me! From Brooklyn Limestone, full DIY here.

3.  Cat ladder – This Ikea hack is pretty ingenious! It was made so that the cat could get from the balcony to the garden. More info here

4.  A litter box for a cat with lots of toes – A Design Story shared this project for her cat Tebow, who has 7 toes on each paw! Full diy here.

Hope these inspire some  projects to spoil your cats!!


Cats On Film

Here are a few cat-related video things that have caught our eye this week! First up is some solid proof that kitties rule the internet. The NY Times article “Playtime With Cats, At Any Distance” had many of us playing with real kitties in real time, taking kitty videos to a whole new level. The Bideawee shelter in NYC has adapted technology that allows home users to maneuver a few kitty toys and see felines play right on their computer screens. This could mean not only an increase in “squees,” but also an increase in visibility for shelters that will hopefully lead to an increase in donations and adoptions. Which could lead to…

…an increase in cat litter sales! Last year a photo of Misfit and sometimes badass Glen Danzig carrying home a heavy box of cat litter with his Glen Danzig muscles was posted all over my Facebook wall and yours. And there is now a “Mother” video, featuring many meows and much cat litter. I don’t know; cats, Danzig… I guess it’s supposed to be humiliating but I just think it’s cute.

Now on to something way more touching! Catsparella posted a video of a little boy reuniting with his missing kitty. There were some serious waterworks over at Teal Cat Headquarters over this one. You can’t help but think of your own childhood kitty and get a little misty eyed.

And finally, Halloween was probably invented by cats. So here are a few Halloween related kitty viddies:

This kitty’s reaction to Halloween accoutrement ranges from non-plussed to playful in equal measures of adorable.

And if your favorite part of horror movies is when the cat jumps out of nowhere and scares the babysitter, then you can’t miss Funny Or Die’s homage to the Cat Thrower.

Finally, since your brought it up, I know it’s not a video but how can I not post Teal Cat Project Headquarters kitty cat Halloween costumes!

And that has been this week in kitty videos! Have you seen anything adorable lately? Let us know!