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We’ve Got Teal Cat Project T-shirts

As if our mascot Meowmy isn’t busy enough already, he’s now on his very own T-shirt.

Super soft and comfy heather-black T-shirts in Unisex and Women’s cuts. 100% of the proceeds go towards Teal Cat Project, but we won’t be spending it on martini lunches. We’ll use that money to procure more ceramic cats and supplies, and raise more money for the kitties.

Our goal is a simple one…to hug all the cats. And these t-shirts will make you even more comfy while doing it. Shirts are $24 + $4 shipping. US only, though. Please visit the store to purchase your tee!

Some Good News & Some Bad News: We’re Sold Out

Well, that was fast. Over 200 teal cats were scooped up in under 48 hours. We were assuming it would take a month to reach that goal, so things are moving much quicker than expected! We haven’t tallied up the money raised just yet, but we’ll announce it as soon as we do. And please be patient as we get all the teal cats sent out, it could take 2 to 4 weeks. We’re incredibly excited to get them into your hands and onto your mantles!

So what’s next? Well, we need to restock our cats, so please consider donating. Once our kitties are replenished, it’s on to our next campaign! Subscribe to the blog, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and make sure you don’t miss out when the kitties are back.

In the meantime, we’re going to add T-shirts to the store, and figure out some other fun and creative ways to spread the word. Thank you, everyone, for your support!

NYC Feral Cat Initiative

Our first campaign starts off in NYC. It’s my hometown, and where two of my kitties are from. It’s one of the most densely populated cities in the world, and that goes for the feral kitty population, too.

100% of your donations will go to NYC Feral Cat Initiative. The NYC Feral Cat Initiative program provides TNR Caretaker Training Workshops in all five boroughs, hands-on assistance at TNR projects in all boroughs, and provides rescuers with much needed transportation and equipment. They also work to educate the public, which is such an important part of TNR efforts.

Please note that this campaign will last until we run out of teal cats. After that we will recharge our kitties, and start a new campaign for an organization in a whole new city. But you can always visit the NYC Feral Cat Initiative to make a donation or volunteer. Perhaps you’d like to become a TNR rescuer yourself!

Welcome to The Teal Cat Project

Thank you for showing up!

This idea started out as a puddle in my mind, just kind of splashing around with all the other puddles that pool up in there. But as more and more people got involved, the energy grew and all that splashing turned into something more. A mermaid, maybe? The kitty tchotchkes started rolling in from all over the world, our paint colors were chosen, and the illustrious Anna Dorfman of Door Sixteen signed on for design. This couldn’t fail, and soon, our teal cats began to rise, quite literally, from the dust.

So thank you to everyone who has been a part of this so far:

My partner-in-crime Denise, without whom’s knowledge of spray paint, Omaha thrift stores and red string, this would have beem impossible to pull off.

Of course, Anna Dorfman, who has created all the beautiful imagery seen here on the site. It’s because of her attention to detail that the kitties look as stylish as they do. Would I have ever thought to turn the square tags into a diamond all on my own? Probably not.

Bust Magazine, who is giving us our very first media exposure in their Fall issue.

Everyone from everywhere who sent us tchotchkes, even without knowing what a tchotchke was, and knowing how we would use them. I hope that you’re pleased with the result!

My boyfriend, John, for picking up kitty cat deliveries, dealing with the dust and packing peanuts, and for loving cats as much as I do. Sometimes, I think, even more. I am constantly inspired to do more for animals thanks to you.

So please have a look around! Get yourself a cat, and help to spread the word. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and let’s make these kitties purr!