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An Etsy Round-up of Awesome Cat-Themed, Handmade Goods

I have something of a love/hate relationship with Etsy — well, to be more specific, I have a love relationship with the site, and my bank account is the hater. One aspect of the love is that Etsy is a cat-enthusiast’s friend. You can find awesome items for your cat, awesome items featuring cats, and awesome items that look like cats. Here are a few of my current favourites. Read More  Read More

Beyond Stuffed Mice: Toys For The Discerning Cat

You know the old adage about children playing with the box a toy comes in more than the toy itself? In my experience, cats are the same way. The real toys I buy my cats have been batted away to some far-off corner in the basement, while stray bits of ribbon and felt stay in heavy rotation. Occasionally, though, I can’t resist spoiling them with cute and clever toys, like the ones featured here. Combining the analog charm of mix tapes with... Read More

Buy Vegan from a Vegan with this Etsy Team

Sick On Sin Considering how huge it is now — the site has over one million members and 800,000 active shops — it’s hard to believe that Etsy is only six years old. The site is a smorgasboard of goods, and that’s usually a great thing, but it can be a problem when you’re looking for something along a particular set of guidelines, like vegan items. Read More  Read More