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Beyond Stuffed Mice: Toys For The Discerning Cat

You know the old adage about children playing with the box a toy comes in more than the toy itself? In my experience, cats are the same way. The real toys I buy my cats have been batted away to some far-off corner in the basement, while stray bits of ribbon and felt stay in heavy rotation. Occasionally, though, I can’t resist spoiling them with cute and clever toys, like the ones featured here. Combining the analog charm of mix tapes with... Read More

A Scratch-Free Way to Get Your Cat in Clothes

I have never tried to put clothing on either of our cats, because I am not a fool. That would only end in tears (mine) and bloodshed (also mine). I feel lucky that I can get a collar on them. Read More  Read More

DIY Embroidered Buttons!

Meet Meowmy, the cutest cat around! Stitch him up, and sew crafty cat lady buttons to your sweater or use a safety pin to pin him anywhere. Materials you’ll need: Template printout Medium Weight Fabric Water-soluble Pen Scissors Embroidery Hoop Maxant 7/8 inch (2.2 cm) Buttons to Cover Needle & Thread 1. Print out the above button pattern. 2. Use a bright window to backlight the pattern and trace onto your fabric with water-soluble pen. 3.... Read More

Big Purrin’ Up In NYC

There’s never been a shortage of cats online, but Tumblr really took things to a new level. You’ve got Dreamcats, kittenskittenskittens, Miezekatzen, Fuck Yeah Felines…I could go on. And on. Even with all of that kitty-related content to consider, I still think that this Tumblr, Kitties and Bullshit, deserves a mention here for its special achievements in combining illustration, cats and song lyrics. Read More  Read More